Simplified AI

June 2023

Effective Prompt Writing

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Promoting Other Tools

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Making Design Responsive

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Key Design Decisions

Prompt prefixes and suffixes

During discussions about incorporating prefixes and suffixes to prompts for applied filters, there was concern that it might confuse users instead of guiding them on prompt writing. Hence, the decision was made to exclude them.

Brand consistency

Despite the AI generator being a standalone application, it was essential to adhere to Simplified's brand guidelines as it was intended for integration into the design editor.


Working in crossfunctional team

While leading this project, I collaborated closely with the CEO and worked in a cross-functional team comprising cofounders, developers, graphic designers, and the testing team. This experience enhanced my ability to handle projects efficiently.

Less development efforts

Before working at Simplified, I used to make drastic changes to the application, demanding significant efforts from developers. Working at Simplified taught me the importance of introducing new features in a way that minimizes the additional workload for developers.

Integration with the current flow

Introducing a new feature without disrupting the current user flow is challenging. I learned to find optimal solutions that cause minimal divergence in the user experience, avoiding confusion or neglect of the new feature.


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